The Search for the Ninth Bishop of California

Update from your Search and Transition Committee

Update from your Search and Transition Committee

The committee met on Saturday, November 5, for a half-day onboarding retreat at St. Gregory of Nyssa. All our members were able to attend, along with our consultant Judy Stark, who attended on zoom – as did two committee members. Having a consultant for a bishop...

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Diocesan Listening Sessions Announced

Diocesan Listening Sessions Announced

The Search and Transition Committee invites all members of the Diocese of California to share in a conversation about our hopes for the next bishop. The data gathered at these meetings will form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish...

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Search Committee Co-chairs Announced

Search Committee Co-chairs Announced

Greetings family and friends of the Diocese of California, Many thanks for your thoughtful and prayerful interest in the process by which we will find our next bishop. For those of you who missed Bishop Marc’s announcement of his resignation and our initial summary of...

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Standing Committee Letter to the Diocese

Standing Committee Letter to the Diocese

Greetings Family of Christ, I am writing to you on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of California. The canons (rules) of the church dictate that, in the event of the resignation of a bishop, the call to elect a new bishop is issued by the Standing...

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