The Search for the Ninth Bishop of California

Update from Search and Transition Committee – February 2023

February 2, 2023News

The Bishop Search and Transition Committee has completed a two and a half month listening process aimed at gathering feedback from across the diocese that will shape the bishop search profile, what we seek in our new bishop and priorities for the diocese. Six hybrid deanery listening sessions were held plus a listening session for Spanish speakers. A listening session was held with DioHouse staff and separately with Bp. Marc. Feedback was also received from over 20 vestries and bishop’s committees. The committee gathered 185 responses to an online survey. In all, 2,027 unique comments were collected and analyzed to determine trends and priorities. The committee will now develop the diocesan profile for the bishop search, to be approved by the Standing Committee, so it can be posted, along with the application for nomination, on April 17.